
HomeAssistantAnalytics·Installations·Statistics·Integrations·Add-ons.Name,Installations.1,Sun,278,419(99.5%).2,MobileApp,232,461(83.1%).3 ...,HomeAssistantAnalytics·Installations·Statistics·Integrations·Add-ons...2.Energyconfigured32.14%.272,504of346,810(78.57%)installationshave ...,HomeAssistantallowsuserstosharetheirusagedata.ItisusedtoinfluenceHomeAssistantdevelopmentprioritiesandtoconvince...


Home Assistant Analytics · Installations · Statistics · Integrations · Add-ons. Name, Installations. 1, Sun, 278,419 (99.5%). 2, Mobile App, 232,461 (83.1%). 3 ...


Home Assistant Analytics · Installations · Statistics · Integrations · Add-ons ... 2. Energy configured 32.14%. 272,504 of 346,810 (78.57 %) installations have ...

Home Assistant Analytics

Home Assistant allows users to share their usage data. It is used to influence Home Assistant development priorities and to convince manufacturers to add ...


This recieves the payload from the analytics integration and stores that data in a KV store. Entries are kept for a maximum of 60 days since last update. - analytics.home

This recieves the payload from the analytics integration and stores that data in a KV store. Entries are kept for a maximum of 60 days since last update.

Google Analytics and Home Assistant low

Build your own Google Analytics and Home Assistant integration. Create custom Google Analytics and Home Assistant workflows by choosing triggers and actions.

Home Assistant Analytics Insights

The Analytics Insights integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] allows you to get ...


Home Assistant allows users to share their usage data via the analytics integration. The aggregated data is available at It ...